We have become a very flippant society….
With regard to words I mean.
“Chat later”………. when we have no intention of chatting later.
“How are you”……. as we walk away from the person……
“I love you”….. but at the first sign of trouble we are out of there….
“We care for you”……….. But no one listens to you
“It is not about us”………… but every thing is about us.
“Yes I will”….. but you have no intention of complying with the agreement.
We don’t listen to ourselves anymore do we?
I struggle to give a yes to people, and I get accused of being a negative, grumpy person. All because I am one of those strange people that seems to think that my words count. If I say yes, then I need to follow that with an action.
Therefore my unwillingness to just throw an answer is not me being unhelpful, it is me calculating whether I can follow through on my promise.
Every end of the day I do an audit on my words (or promises). I do miss some of them, I am getting old now and my memory is not what it used to be. But I respond, reply, sms, email when I can and if the query warrants a response.
I cannot handle being left hanging and biting my nails for an answer on things, and therefore I do not want people on the other end of the line ever feeling that I am doing that to them.
I have also come to the conclusion in life that people say many things to each other, but ultimately they live and act what they really believe to be true. The old saying that “action speaks louder than words” is very true indeed.
But more so our actions really do actually reflect what we believe. You cannot say you love someone and never listen to them…never walk with them…never bear with them…. Of course it does depend on your definition of what love is, but I am sure you get what I am saying.
It seems so simple or insignificant when we dismiss these simple responses to people. To simply brush off the simple commitment we made to someone. No need to let them know. They will never take note.
But it is a slippery slope we get onto when we ignore the small slips. “It is the little foxes that destroy the vines”. Great falls never start as great slips. They are almost always a result of small little slips along the way, chipping away at your sanity and integrity.
Do an audit on your words, maybe not everyday. But start…..
If you have children, I think they will do it for you….. “But you said so daddy….”
The simplicity of keeping your word, maybe it will make you use less of them. Maybe just maybe it will improve the quality of your friendships.
“That guy/gal, they always come through for me”.
Do an audit on your words…… It will help everyone around you.
Audit on your words http://t.co/3SImiHsDVf
http://t.co/R5ecGIeukk http://t.co/Ct50QXR5wO
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