As with all things in the world, everything must come to and end. It was a niggling though in my head, but I have decided to close down thehonestone blog. Or should I say I will not be writing here anymore. In fact I have moved the posts to and they will live there from

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A soldier takes many years to prepare and get his mindset and physical state ready for war. And soon the day arrives when the sirens go and that soldier is called into the war zone… Guns, rifles, machine guns, tanks. Bombs going off, bullets zipping by your ears. Death is knocking on your door, danger

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To think, speak then act is probably an automated response in the human experience. You think I want to go out, you tell someone you going out and then you go out. Simple….. I think the greatest divide is caught in the difference between those three separate processes. What we think, I mean really think,

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There is a question that roams around on the inside of every guy. It is one that has to be answered, but it cannot be answered from inside. It is one of those things that simply has to come from an external source. It is that question. “Do I have what it takes?” Its a

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You arrive at work, you get your morning coffee, grab a quick bite to eat… You have a meeting to get to, you going to be a few mins late. You gulp the coffee, you enter the room all eyes are looking at you. You still reeling from the argument you had with your spouse

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I am always fascinated how people remind me of my faults. Like its news to me. It may be news to some, but I am not that young and naive to not know mine. Which makes me wonder about how we really view strength in life. How are the two related? Good question. After much

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It is my opinion that very few people know the difference between a want and a need in life. I will let someone who IMO, got it correct. Just some stats for you to ponder on: – Almost half of the world’s wealth is now owned by just one percent of the population. – The

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No one knows the future. I am sure you have been approached by some form of insurance broker in your life. If not, its only a matter of time before you have that privilege. And you will get the whole pitch of how you need to invest and put money away. And they will pull

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5He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored. 6Then the Pharisees went out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus.   Mark 3 vs 5-6 It never

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It has always baffled me to some degree. Please understand that I am not a proponent of animal cruelty, but why is that people say that they cannot kill animals in an inhumane way? Yet they they have no issues eating this animal that was killed in a humane way. At the other end of

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