Confrontation is not always the easiest thing in life. I know its not easy for me. It always feels like I lose something in that process. Yet its necessary to confront things and people at least periodically. You remember that series? “Dear John” ” by the time you read this letter I will be gone….”

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Perfectionist….. Narcissist…. Idealist…. These are all personality traits I know. Not that I like them, but I know them. I deal with some and maybe all most of my days in my business. This does not exclude me either. I am not sure where I fit in there, but I have some of all…… However,

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I think facebook should create a limit to how many words one can use in a facebook status update. One would think that people have something meaningful to impart when they write that many words. But all I am left feeling is how on earth do I get back that 15 seconds back of my

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  One day we will live in a world where people respect each other for who they are… One day we will live in a world where people are honest with each other……. One day we will live in a world where the truth is a celebrated state… One day we will live in a

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Whatever you believe to to be true is true…..right? To a certain extent I can agree with that. We all live what we believe, and whether we like it or not its pretty much what rules us. It is the reason I call it the bedrock of life. It is what rules us and where

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Emails do not have a tone…. Well not without context.  I am always fascinated how people can say the tone of the email. I am sure the person writing the mail had a tone, but its not possible for the reader to read the tone as intended without adding their own tone to it… And

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Hi all I know I have been a bit quiet. Well its coming to an end soon. Also the blog will be moving away from I have been fighting it out in the backend, but its coming together slowly. It will be (because I am in South Africa I thought it best to

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In the last post I asked everyone to participate in a poll. I admit now that it was not too clear since only 4 people clicked on it. Therefore I am devoting this post solely to the poll. I have had my domain name for more than a year and its been collecting some dust,

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Hi All This is not a normal post today, but its an interview about a new book (maybe not so new now). I liked it and maybe you will too. Read the complete interview with Christian Smith on “The Bible Made Impossible the Honest One

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This is the final part of the points of separation series, I am putting it here as a post so people can return to it anytime, as within this post are the links for all the parts of the series. Click Here Enjoy thehonestone

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