I am not sure if you are like me. I really really dislike roadworks. Traffic congestion, bumper to bumper, hot days. My patience wears thin. Also it seems the erode seemingly intelligent people’s brains since everyone tries to get somewhere faster, they inevitably end up slowing it even more, by chopping and changing lanes.
Well I guess that’s just one of my pet peeves.
But at the end of it I really do enjoy the end result, when the work is done and all is revealed with more space for all the cars, more lanes, bridges and so forth. Its really eye opening as to the plan behind all the mess in the construction phase. I sometimes wish they would send out plans as to what they intend to do, then at least we know what to look forward to and can sit through the rubble. I suppose life is just like that .
It made me think though. Life is a bit like that. When going through stuff thats not so good, we don’t get a blueprint as to what our lives will be once we are through with the trauma. We simply have to bite hard and grin a bear it. I think we could say that our lives are like roadworks…………… In other words in process. But since we like end results and not processes, we tend to really not like the walk in life. Even worse take just a few of us and put us together in a small space, and since we all “in the process” there will most likely be some fireworks.
And we are not privy to the master plan behind it all. The best we have is some hindsight, to know that it has worked out in the past, therefore it will work out in the future.
Well in simple terms, only God has that master plan, and I am sure for good reason, He only lets us know as needed. I am sure the roadworks teaches me patience. ( Lord I think I learnt my lesson so please let them finish the road works……) Anyway, what I am trying to say is, that we all are “in the process” at any given time. It will be a while before we get to the finish line.
So lets realise that there are roadworks ahead (maybe I should create T shirts with that on….mmmm great franchise idea) we know the greater plan is in good hands. Sooner or later we shall see the fruit of all the labour.
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I like your posting
“When going through stuff thats not so good, we don’t get a blueprint as to what our lives will be once we are through with the trauma. We simply have to bite hard and grin a bear it. I think we could say that our lives are like roadworks…………… In other words in process” I fully agree – wonderful analogy!
I totally agree, THO. I have just realised that the trauma I have gone through and are going through now, makes me a stronger person. All for the good at the end of the day. I would like to see the blue print of why all these storms are happening in my life, but, you know…it makes life interesting…never a dull moment. God is full of surprises. 🙂 Hard times come and hard times go, but in these times I really notice that we as people grow in character, relationships, in hope, in faith and I also believe we grow more towards the image of Christ – our purpose here on earth.