Here is the next one with a slightly different slant contributed by another young lady Heide, who refuses to start a blog. He he he no pressure at all hey….. Safety I think women need to know what creates safety for them. If a woman thinks it is money and an extremely handsome looking fella,

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I know its been a while since I posted anything, but it seemed a bit silly to just write what men need and not have a post about what women need. So I decided to go live among a colony of only women to get an idea as to what exactly goes on in there

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I have been toying around the idea of writing a post about what men need to look for in women…. I could not get to grips with writing it without creating a war with women. Its strictly for guys eyes only. And since the internet allows everyone to peruse info, and I am sure the

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Today is a bit tongue in cheek, so please do not take offence. This is an excerpt from the book Outliers, it is a conversation between an employee (Mr. Kim) and his boss, a division chief (Kwacang) Kwacand : It’s cold and I’m hungry (Meaning : Why don’t you buy a drink or something to

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Although we would never openly admit to this, but we all form opinions upon an intro to a new friend/colleague/acquaintance/etc. And whether we like it or not we all form the dreaded FIRST IMPRESSION. We tend to create our own impression of someone we meet and likewise they do the same when meeting us. Be

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