April 10


That first step….

Life is a strange thing sometimes, and our environments tend to dictate our decisions. We would never admit to it, but often we believe in the bottom line more than “living the dream”

I speak to a lot of people and have been through a few things in life. It always fascinates me as to why we do what we do. Why are you doing what you doing? For the income? For the passing of time? Are you really passionate about what you are doing?

What did you sacrifice in order to be doing what you doing? I think there in lies some meaty stuff. The more you sacrifice, the better the pay off. I mean in terms of fulfillment and so forth.

And there is the major dilemma…. We don’t like the sacrifice or the hard times, but we all want the better life and the passion for what we do.

It’s easier if you pay that earlier in life. The problem is that we never see the people who are living the dream, when they start off. We don’t see the pain and trauma people go through before they make it.

So how do we change our current place in life……..

That first step. The hard decision, change, you know the one we all shy away from.

The first step to a different day, life. Go ahead…. you do not need permission….



Choices, first step, forward, hard things to do, life

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