December 14


The 150th post……

When I hit the 100th post I pulled the curtains back a bit and let you see whats happening. I do not post as regularly as I used to, hence as we draw near to the end of the year (or world if you believe the Mayans) I have posted half as much and now its only 50. A milestone nonetheless.

Firstly you will notice that I moved to my own hosted site and moved away from, which has had its fair share of ups and downs.
There is a monthly newsletter too, where I send highlights and eventually will provide some other content as well. That list will not get weekly posts, but it will contain links to the posts once a month.

Anyway that is enough admin for now.

This is the final post for this year, I will start early next year (providing the world is still here). But I will be writing next year having just changed career paths slightly. That’s right I am leaving the theatre, my resignation letter has been given in, I have accepted a new job. One that might afford me less free time, but good for that hey since they say idle hands are not a good thing. I think the next year is full of challenging times and new experiences. I will be a sales rep for a Pro Sound/Lighting/AV/Cabling/everything show related. Which is a bit different to my normal stuff I was doing.

Might not sound like a different thing to you, but in our industry its a bit of a big change.

I have lots planned for next year and I do hope you stick around with me.

Also I have decided to help other bloggers by providing some site support, but mainly affordable hosting. So for local its R300 a year (bearing in mind that I help you setup everything) for international people, its $30 a year. I do not have an automated system for setup purposes, specifically because I want to get to know the people before I add them into the system. Its affordable pricing for hosting, and I will install wordpress for you and whatever help you need on the site I will help where I can. Obviously within reason. Its best of course to register your own domain though, but if you really need help with that too, I am around to help If you are interested, you can email me at

Enjoy the holidays, if you are on holiday or leave. I am working straight through, therefore I shall see everyone on the other side of 2013…..

Bye for now……….




life changes, milestones, new beginnings, new year

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